Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Old WoD nWoD

I've been reading a bit about the Old and New World of Darkness Role Playing Games by White Wolf over at wikipedia the last few days...

There's a ton of new changes and a whole new system. I won't be updating anything since I don't really role play anymore and haven't really for many years... I have a lot of the Old WoD books, and the occult and mythological stories and tie ins in that setting is part of what drove me to the system in the first place back in college... I understand the reasons why they moved away from all of that in the nWoD but think it's kind of a sad manuever since they had put so much work in the old system and so many old timers like myself got to love it.

For the most part, it seems White Wolf did away with the old ideas and mythological cosmology to untie their system from Ars Magica that they used to own but no longer do, and to allow more un-Christian and Jewish origin ideas in... in essence they undid some of the base themes and ideas that drew me a and a lot of other people back in the day towords their games...

Prior to WoD games the most RPGs that I had played were from Palladium Book's SDC wolrds of Beyond the Supernatural, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT)... back in Highschool, a friend up the street, Chris Mast, bought Heroes Unlimited after seeing an ad for it in a comic book. He was a comic book fanatic, and still is for the most part... especially X-Men related comics... After he did that, and he got me and my Brother in to it, I bought Beyond the Supernatural and Heroes Unlimited and did some heavy modifications on some rules in it to balance it out with Heroes Unlimited... finally I think his brother bought TMNT and Chris bought Rifts and we were role playing almost every other night or so for a while back then...

we sucked at it back then. We power gamed, and I was fine with that since I let the players, usually my brother and Chris's Brother, get really powerful Player Characters, and I and Chris would usually swap as Game Master back and forth, letting one another play as a PC when the other GM'ed... to balance out the power gaming pcs we just made npcs even more powerful. I think once I had lots of level 15 Ninjas kicking the characters butts by having about 20 attacks per mellee (APM) more than each pc, so he could do all sorts of stuff after they burned their APMs... including but not limited to pulling down their pants around their ankles and lightly spanking them on the hiney doing 1 sdc damage before doing a jig... didn't want to kill them off right then, just give them a taste of powerful npcs that could get them irritated more than anything...

Anyways, Rifts, and Palladium never went in depth about character histories and tie ins to real world literature, history or anything like that... and the Palladium books allowed you to more or less play anything at any time and just gave you a system to roll dice to figure out what actions worked, etc. in any place at any time in the entire Megaverse that you chose. I think the nWoD is starting to take White Wolf RPGs in that direction, which makes everything more generic and less world specific... which isn't necessarily a good thing... :(

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